
Youcanundoandredoasoftenasyoulikewithinaneditingsession.Onceyoureturntotheprojectscreenorclosetheapp,youwon'tbeabletoundoorredo ...,LearnhowtousetheUndo,Redocommands,andtheHistorypaneltocontrolthestateofyourdesigninAdobeIllustrator.,2023年5月24日—了解如何在AdobeIllustrator中使用「還原」、「重做」指令和「步驟記錄」面板來控制設計的狀態。,2023年7月25日—GototheoverheadmenuandchooseEdit>Undotoun...

Undo & Redo

You can undo and redo as often as you like within an editing session. Once you return to the project screen or close the app, you won't be able to undo or redo ...

Undo edits and manage design history in Illustrator

Learn how to use the Undo, Redo commands, and the History panel to control the state of your design in Adobe Illustrator.

在Illustrator 中還原編輯和管理設計步驟記錄

2023年5月24日 — 了解如何在Adobe Illustrator 中使用「還原」、「重做」指令和「步驟記錄」面板來控制設計的狀態。

3 Easy Ways to Undo and Redo in Adobe Illustrator

2023年7月25日 — Go to the overhead menu and choose Edit > Undo to undo your last actions. Similarly, you can go to Edit > Redo to redo the action before you hit ...

How to Undo in Adobe Illustrator

If you want the fastest way to undo an action, simply use press Command Z (Mac OS users) or Control Z (Windows users). Use this keyboard shortcut key one time ...

How To Undo And Redo In Adobe Illustrator

2023年4月17日 — If you want to undo your last action on your computer, there's a handy keyboard shortcut you can use. The shortcut is Control + Z (PC) or ...

Adobe Illustrator UndoRedo

2023年3月5日 — You've switched to Outline view. Press Cmd + Y to go back to normal view.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
